Bananas are lethal. ;-)

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018, 4:45 PM Jed Rothwell, <> wrote:

> <> wrote:
> “Going back to the banana problem, the *lethal* *dose* for an average
>> human is roughly 5 Sv. This translates into about 50 million bananas.
>> Eating that many is definitely not feasible.”
>> 400 bananas in one sitting is a fatal dose of potassium.
> That's hilarious!
> JonesBeene <> wrote:
>> Holy cow. 50 bananas. Forget the potassium, that is going to produce
>> major emissions on its own. Who needs LENR with so much “natural” gas??
> I doubt he ate them in one day, but I'll bet he ate them soon. He likes
> them when they are still partly unripe. As do I. His brother gave him 50 as
> a birthday present, expecting some to be left over a few days later. They
> weren't. That's how Mike told the story.
> - Jed

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