Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I don’t know how one can extract (and hence 
make disappear) something that is a constant. Hawking radiation is no free 


From: Axil Axil [mailto:janap...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 11 January 2019 23:44
To: Remi Cornwall
Cc: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why is there such as difference between Pvac(calculated) and 




On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 5:32 PM Remi Cornwall <remic...@gmail.com> wrote:



As part of the EMPropulsion project, I had to set about justifying why Quantum 
Field Theorists calculate a massive zero-point energy (10111J/m3) and yet 
Astronomers/Cosmologists using General Relativity measure a vacuum energy of 
only 10-9J/m3.


This cosmological constant problem of some 10120 is one of the biggest problems 
in physics. I think there is a way around this where rather than put the 
calculated quantum vacuum energy density directly into the stress-energy 
tensor, we introduce it as a third order perturbation.


I discuss it here: http://vixra.org/abs/1901.0143 


And this is part of a post I wrote to a fellow academic:-


The imbalance relates to the maximum amount of energy available in the vacuum 
compared to the efficiency of vacuum energy extraction produced by long lived 
gravity based black holes. These huge gravity based black holes are poor at 
extracting energy from the vacuum through hawking radiation. 


Few people understand how hawking radiation actually works with regard to 
vacuum energy extraction. The most efficient black holes are the micro black 
holes with extremely short life times. Polariton condensates produce these 
analog EMF based black holes. 


This is very complicated and difficult stuff due to the complications that 
general relativity imposes on the event horizon. But according to Dr. Paul M. 
Sutter, all particle and photon based hawking radiation is predetermined at the 
instant of black hole creation. This is the result of time dilation at or near 
the event horizon.

Like a scoop of ice cream with sprinkles on its surface, as the ice cream melts 
over time, the sprinkles are freed from the surface and move away from that 
surface. The time that this release happens is a function of the position of 
the sprinkles at or near the surface when the ice cream scoop first forms.

This is why small black holes radiate with much more intensity than big ones do 
since time dilation is less intense at the time of small hole formation as 
compared to large hole formation.




Believe it or not, the  hutchison effect is a form of LENR that produces anti 
gravity on the surface of objects through the use of polarized RF. The 
polariton condensate has been shown to produce negative mass/energy. 





Physicists Say They've Created a Device That Generates 'Negative Mass'


This effect is actually anti gravity produced by polaritons as they extract 
energy from the vacuum. . Polaritons are actually extremely short lived EMF 
analog black holes that extract energy from the vacuum through hawking 





The second paper was just trying to reconcile it with the cosmological vacuum 
energy that astronomers see – it’s begging the question if it’s real or not. I 
intend to engineer with some phenomena, so I have to make sure the phenomenon 
exists. I say that it is but it doesn’t go directly into the EFE where it would 
have a big effect (understatement) but as an higher order correction effect and 
the numbers come out about right. In fact, I think the 10120 gulf between what 
quantum mechanics predicts and what astronomers see should be bigger – more 
like 10129 


then pvac(observed) = (G/c4)3pvac(calculated) 


and that may indicate more degrees of freedom/extra dimensions (more harmonic 
oscillators with 1/2hf zpe) that the String Theorists have been going on about 
for years. I am bouncing this off a few people. If the ideas are correct, it 
might be a nifty result giving some credence to ST, which has been a bit of 
mathematical exercise (apart from AdS/CFT which is a bit like Gauss’ 
Law/Stoke’s Law, so largely applied maths).




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