On Sat, May 25, 2019 at 3:28 PM Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Side note: if we simply rate the battery capacity higher, there is no

Or you just might have discovered a way to desulfinate the battery plates.


I cheer your perpetual optimism.  Would but we could run a motor on that
optimism.  Somewhere in Tucker, Georgia is a warehouse full of Neodymium
Iron Boron magnets including a single spiral four feet in diameter with a 5
x 4 in. cross section custom made for $80k.  There are also various coils
and solenoids with various widings of every configuration you can imagine.
Not seen are thousands of man hours and literally millions of dollars all
attesting to the fact that the magnetic cycle is conservative.

 If Mr. Danzik has succeeded in proving otherwise let him shout it to the
hilltops.  Let him demonstrate a motor actually performing work.  His silly
little spinning top does nothing more that invite acerbic criticism from
jaded former magmo enthusiasts.

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