
As you might suspect, I consider that spin coupling is indeed dependent upon 
resonances and local magnetic fields.

I trust that Brian is aware of the apparent relationof the subject technology  
to the cooling accomplished by the Manelas device.

Bob Cook

From: JonesBeene<>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 1:10 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:"Paramagnons" - new way to convert heat into 
electricalenergy--what is the physics of the Bose magnons--


  *   The question is: What is the differential temperature needed to sap off 
the enthalpy in the lattice in significant quantity to be practical.

Well Bob – it is arguable that we are not limited by thermodynamic restraints 
with paramagnons, at least not in the same way that thermoelectric materials 
are. Coupling is due to spin, in addition to or in place of  thermal vibration. 
This makes resonance a big issue.

There is a good possibility that very low delta-t can be practical. Such is 
arguably the case with the device of Arthur Manelas and that is why I mentioned 
it. Manganese is particularly interesting in this regard when alloyed or in a 
Heusler compound.

By physical appearances, Mn should be ferromagnetic (it has 5 unpaired 
electrons as does iron)  but it is paramagnetic  when pure -yet it can be 
combined  into alloys which are more strongly ferromagnetic than pure metals – 
i.e. nickel for instance.

There is even a fair chance that the delta-T of a system with spin coupling can 
be zero initially in the sense that ambient heat is being converted into 
electrical current in the case of battery interaction with transformer back 
EMF.  Finally, there is even a possibility that the reason some nickel 
electrodes work better than other in LENR experiments is related to slight 
manganese content, even inadvertent. Manganese doping of nickel increases the 
magnetization disproportionately -  but for larger concentrations of there is a 
decrease. This can be modulated by hydrogen adsorption.

If the analysis of Mizuno’s most active nickel electrode turns up even a half 
percent of Mn, then get back to me – we have found a culprit.

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