I think the list should include N-rays.

On Wed., Oct. 23, 2019, 5:52 p.m. Jones Beene, <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> This is a light-weight piece for the namephreaks out there (we miss you,
> Herb).
> In a patho-sci mashup of LENR with Firesign Theatre ("beat the reaper")
> it's about time to settle on a name for that "mystery radiation" which so
> charms the alternative energy set. Is it toxic or simply a popular
> experiment with old men?
> In the early days of cold fusion (early 1990s) there were dozens of papers
> on a mysterious emission in the low keV range which happened merely from
> loading H2 or D2 in either nickel or palladium - often with no other input
> power. The testing was done using x-ray film, and the positive result is a
> foggy film once known as an "autoradiograph". In fact, Uranium decay was
> first discovered by Henri Becquerel using the fogging of film as evidence.
> His cause of death was unspecified, but he had developed a burn on his
> chest from a tiny amount of radium carried in his vest pocket.
> More recently, Holmlid has claimed the mystery radiation appears to be
> largely muons - but that seems unlikely despite his continuing efforts at
> identification. We need a better name which may help in getting a better
> understanding - "nomen est numen" as they say. And don't forget the
> toxicity issue - Holmlid has suffered from a malady which is probably
> unrelated, but who knows?
> A few of these names on the list refer to real phenomena which are
> partially misunderstood... even if most are clearly influenced by an
> overactive imagination. LENR has always been a mystery composed of truth
> mixed with bogosity.
> We can start the list with an obvious place-marker for the proposition of
> deriving fact from fiction - but which is still not understood. Funny how
> they all seem different but then bleed over into each other on closer
> examination. Who will guess the true identity of symptom 7?
> 1) Neutrinos
> 2) Scalar waves, longitudinal waves
> 3) Magnetic monopoles
> 4) Tachyons, Hawking radiation
> 5) ZPE, vacuum energy, aether, EPO field
> 6) Dark energy or dark matter
> 7) Orgone, ormus, chi, superlight (magnetic light)
> 8) Plasmons, polaritons, magnons, spinons, holons, orbitons
> 9) Cold electricity, radiant energy
> 10) Negative inertial mass, Casimir force
> And the winner is ?
> ... probably the reaper...

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