Leptoquark—It carries information.  That’s a new idea for me.

Is this just more SM fudgers making more fudge?  😊 I would hope there is a 
model for how these imaginary particles carry the information to their inter 
generational clients—other imaginary particles.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<mailto:janap...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2020 12:40 AM
To: vortex-l<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Superconducting Metal Hydride

This particle is believed to have existed at the very beginning of the universe,


Leptoquarks are hypothetical particles that would carry information between a 
generation of quarks and a generation of leptons, thus allowing quarks and 
leptons to interact.

Current best limits on leptoquarks are set by LHC, which has been searching for 
the first, second, and third generation of leptoquarks and some 
mixed-generation leptoquarks.

Leptoquarks could explain the reason for the three generations of matter. 
Furthermore, leptoquarks could explain why the same number of quarks and 
leptons exist and many other similarities between the quark and the lepton 
sectors. At high energies, at which leptons (which are not affected by the 
strong force) and quarks (that cannot be separately observed because of the 
strong force) become one;

This particle could be an actor during the transmutation process in ultra dense 
Holmlid could prove the existence of Leptoquarks.


X and Y bosons

In particle physics, the X and Y bosons (sometimes collectively called "X 
bosons"[1]:437) are hypothetical elementary particles analogous to the W and Z 

The EVO may be producing these industrial strength "Intermediate Vector Bosons"

The X and Y bosons couple quarks to leptons, allowing violation of the 
conservation of baryon number, and thus permitting proton decay.<

Since Holmlid is seeing proton decay, he may be producing these powerful IVBs

On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 10:43 AM Jones Beene 
<jone...@pacbell.net<mailto:jone...@pacbell.net>> wrote:
Nicholas Palmer wrote:

This brings to mind the 'Cincinnati group' ... The late lamented Chris Tinsley 
showed me a tile which he had burned right through himself using the CCs 
'secret sauce' which he told me contained zirconium... coincidence?

Not only the zirconium turns up unexpectedly --- Lochak et al mention vanadium 
as being especially active in LENR...

Hmm... yet another coincidence?

(the Oak Ridge results were with a hydride of zirconium and vanadium)


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