Good to know some more physicists start to think about time. One of them cited I did know personally.

The real problem is the missing education in computation theory. I did spend 2 net years working on the theme, which the article tries to illuminate. I developed a new computer architecture that can deal with such problems and delivers fail safe proven results on wide area parallel machines.

A wide area parallel machine is exactly what physics is about. Each particle is a "program" that communicates with an other programs over a given finite set of messages. Physics defines these messages as equations what defines a set of of possible tokens = interactions - nothing else.

Now if you know the basic laws of communication theory then it is obvious = given that there is no global time. We only do have a partial order over communications. We can refine the order digit by digits until we meet the border-line of information stability in measurement.

The article is full of nonsense and classical bullshit knowledge like two Uranium-239 are equal but one decays earlier. SM knows nothing about particle structure except some basic Lego like partitions. All unstable nuclei contain a time like structure with a slightly different excess energy. Further who tells these guys all these nuclei did start at the same timestamp?

Also neither QM nor general relativity are fundamental models. This is a religious claim. QM just describes a small subset of the reality and general relativity fails for all *space filled with matter* as it cannot handle matter... As all other simplistic SM models GER just works for point masses in empty space. Any perturbation of "space-time" by mass producing an other space time cannot be handled without simplistic approximations.

If a point source emits two photons at an angle of 180 degrees then any measurement will show that the gap between the two increases with 2*c the speed of light. Thus we can easily measure relative speed > c. If these two photons enter a spherical orbit then they will return to the place of origin. This is the situation in SO(4) in much smaller space dimensions. According GER the photons should never interact again. Thus this just shows that the notion of an universal time in curved space is mathematical nonsense. Time is just the measurement interval or the frequency what ever you like more.

Most current physicists do have the wrong education to tackle the real basic problems of physics. Even worse theses physicists day for day repeat religious claims about models that luckily for us work well under some restricted conditions.

Current physics especially nuclear & particle physics is still on day one in playground of Kindergarden. These folks soon will have their mental corona event, when the have to notice that the perturbation of a proton at 10 TeV (CERN) is absolutely irrelevant for understanding today's real problems like aneutronic fusion in Holmlids case or LENR as we measure it - just to name two big ones.


Am 10.04.20 um 22:42 schrieb

The following link contains two or 3 differing concepts of time.


The SO(4) physics model of nucleons is a model including a temporal time scale associated with a magnetic rotating flux at a specific frequency.  This “temporal time” reflects space parameters and the observed phenomena of  EM photon propagation in space controlled by those parameters , magnetic permeability and electric permittivity.

A good model for space and its “intrinsic” parameters is warranted IMHO.

Bob Cook

Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
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