I suspect that the Papp engine involves a secret hiding in plain sight. Inert gases have nothing to do with it. It’s the electrohydraulic effect using water vapor. Supposedly, there was a government test, previous to the tragic Feynmann incident, in which a gun barrel exploded like petals on a flower, cartoon-style.
I did a Quora question on lightning and couldn’t get a straight answer on how these discharges work, as the official narrative makes no sense at all. Charges in clouds shouldn’t accumulate because of electrostatic repulsion, no different from a stack precipitator. One physicist did offer a reference from a Russian paper which claimed cosmic rays trigger lightning but that doesn’t cover the whole thing. The secret to free energy could be right in front of us, every time it thunders. From: Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2020 2:31 PM To: vortex <vortex-l@eskimo.com> Subject: [Vo]:"Burning"hydrogen with argon ? An interesting proposition for an advanced transportation fuel would be presented to us - IF (big if) hydrogen can be routinely converted into a denser form on a catalyst, and then expanded in a piston engine configuration. This concept would relate to using argon as a "pseudo oxidizer." Argon is not exactly "inert" to the same extent as helium and other Column eight atoms (Vlll on the periodic table). AFAIK this exact concept, when transposed into a piston engine configuration, has never been explored... or has it? There is the Papp engine, which used argon and other inert gases but did not use hydrogen; and there is the Laumann engine which included oxygen with argon and no surface catalyst -- but neither of those is precisely the same. sender.