Jurg and Jones and others—
Jurg makes a good point regarding a strong field trigger for the reaction. The strong field may be electric or magnetic IMHO. The allowable energies and positions in of particles described in such a system by a QM wave function will be changed, and the allowable combinations of such parameters reduced. All the various particles that may be involved in the suggested LENR reaction that have a magnetic moment (dipole, quadrupole, octupole etc.) will align to some degree with the instanteous magnetic field, including one associated with a passing photon of a laser beam. If the photons wave front is large enough and intense enough, many particles may resonate and exchange spin energy between themselves. Some of the particles will increase their spin energy (for example. atoms with an electron structure) and others will decrease their spin energy (for example, various nuclear structures, properly aligned with magnetic moments of their constituent particles in phase. The key to the reaction is having enough electronic states in atoms to accept a large amount of energy donated by one or more nuclei during the resonant cycle. Before the reaction the order of the system is relatively high (low entropy) and after the reaction the order of the system is reduced with a resulting increase of entropy. Order in this example is directly related to the total energy of the system and its homogeneity in terms of energy/unit volume. The entropy increase is consistent with the 2nd Law of thermodynamics for a reaction of an entangled (coherent) quantum system. Knowing the stable or quasi stable spin energies of various particles in a coherent system, including their resonant parameters in an ambient magnetic field is the job of LENR engineers. I think Jurg is working on such knowing for simple systems. The Brookhaven Laboratory in New York keeps a data base for many nuclear species of the isomeric energy states and respective spin states. I believe it is available to the public. I will research this question and try to get a good link to the data base. Bob Cook -------------------------------- From: Jürg Wyttenbach<mailto:ju...@datamart.ch> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 4:21 PM To: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com> Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Burning"hydrogen with argon ? On 15.06.2020 16:03, Chris Zell wrote: > I suspect that the Papp engine involves a secret hiding in plain sight. Papp in fact used a mixture of noble gases like Ag + Kr,Xe- Both are very efficient in support of LENR reactions. You just need to add little Deuterium, a rusty Fe2O3 side for the catalytic production of D*and a mechanism (strong field) , to trigger the reaction. Unluckily he was very selfish as most others are too in the LENR business. He took everything with him and now power heaven... But I think that a reproduction is just a matter of money. J.W. -- Jürg Wyttenbach Bifangstr. 22 8910 Affoltern am Albis +41 44 760 14 18 +41 79 246 36 06