H LV wrote:  
 "Free rider." ...  I think public transport should be free too.but of course 
it won't really be free. 

Few thins are really free, of course especially if carbon fuel is consumed. But 
basic transportation can be much smarter and less costly, perhaps fuel-free and 
out-of-pocket free. Plus, as Elon sez -- a massive societal  shift can take 
place in a relatively short time frame. Soon!

There has been a lot of speculation online about one or more 'new paradigms' 
for automotive transportation. Many assume some kind of sharing to cover added 
costs, along with battery power, low emissions from shared solar and even 
shared-AI being a part of the total package. And of course LENR could make 
things much more interesting since the car and it battery storage capability 
will be capable of providing electricity to the homes involved. 

Critics call this kind of talk neo-Marxist, but a substantial financial benefit 
could indeed end up favoring the limit4ed situation where the net cost of 
automobile ownership becomes indeed "free" in one way accounting... 
commies-be-damned. The refusniks will be the last to profit. 

This is actually paer of the logical end-game merger of Capitalism with 
Marxism. Sure - the family car will never disappear - nor will fossil fuel, 
especially in rural areas and the Third World - but the types of shared 
ownership and common usage controlled by AI are flexible and real. 

If and when we move closer to a work-at-home society, then the value of space 
is multiplied - even garage space becomes so valuable that monetizing extra 
space could actually "pay" for basic transportation.This is already true in a 
few big cities.

The scenario which I favor combines full self-driving (self parking and self 
recharging ) with shared neighborhood ownership and hydrogen power via LENR and 
an advanced local AI network where say a dozen vehicles are shared by a dozen 
like-minded households who also get much of their electrical power from the 
cars - which can actially be parked miles away.

Dream on ! 

...and wait till the next April fools prediction by Elon where he actually buys 
into LENR...


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