----- Original Message -----

At 03:20 pm 20/03/2006 +1100, you wrote:
In reply to  Grimer's message of Sun, 19 Mar 2006 16:46:28 +0000:
Or even one come to that - a string of ones and zeros.
One doesn't have to use the three Cartesian coordinates
to define space. one could use the locations along a big
ball of wool. It may not be so convenient but is would be
just as effective.

You're ball of wool is still 3 dimensional.


Robin van Spaandonk

Of course it is. I'm well aware of that.   8-)
And a chess board is a lot of black squares on a white
ground. But it is also a lot of white squares on a
black ground. Can't you see that?

You should really read those marvellous books on
mathematics by W W Sawyer and let some fresh air
into your stuffy three dimensional prison cell. ;-)



("You're ball of wool" - I deny it. <g> )

Meanwhile back at the ranch, John Wayne was cleaning his pistola when it suddenly discharged flying from his hand and crashing into the mirror over the bar in Rosa's Cantina south of Laredo. While surprised the lead bullet fell in his lap, the bartender took advantage of the situation by pointing to the sign that stated " you break my mirror, I break your head". while crushing the crease in John's hat with a bung starter. WW Sawyer, sitting across the room playing poker with a deck having 12 aces ( no mathematician ever uses the minimum number of anything) , was visible shaken to witness his math being confirmed that 3 x 4 = 12 and 4+3=7. However, his poker playing partner knew somebody was cheating at cards but couldn't prove it. Surely he stated , three is a crowd and I'm outa here. The local sherriff Dubya came thru the batwing doors backed up by FEMA blazing away with both shotgun barrels firing ,ending the discussion ,amused that people can perform wonders with numbers while eating cucumbers.

What does all thius mean ? It means that while everybody was sipping tequila in the cantina, the US went broke last week and nobody's got the money to buy the next round of drinks no matter how many dimensions you wind up with, call it three if you must, but it ain't gonna matter.


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