Frederick Sparber wrote:

> That is interesting Harry.
> But why use the feeble electrostatic motors

I like how charge is directly converted into kinetic motion.
Anyway, with ultracapacitors couldn't you make them more

> when you can use the helium balloon tethered
> fair weather field collector voltage-current to make
> OH and H gas to run a ICE?
> You can also store the fair weather field energy in a capacitor
> or storage battery then dump it into a motor.
> I suppose you could use up to a 13.5 foot whip antenna on
> your car to pick up the Electronic Smog too. and feed it to your
> Joe Cell with cathode at chassis ground.
> Maybe Reich's Faraday Shield type Orgone Boxes shut out
> the outside world for therapy?

Your last remark went over my head.


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