On Fri, 1 Sep 2006, Willis Jenkin wrote:

> What OU (hate this acronym) or FE (hate this to) device is indeed out there
> that in any way can even hope to put the smallest of dents in the energy
> industry as it exist today?

What successful devices are out there?  If there really are any simple and
working devices, then their inventors are keeping them secret.  Or perhaps
there are some successful devices buried in the huge number of fake "OU
device plans" on various websites and patent archives.

In other words, the devices aren't outthere.  There has NEVER been a simple 
successful OU device "out there,"
one which a kid can build for class, one which can run a flashlight bulb
or keep your tea warm.

If you disagree, then let's see the device that you've built.  We can post
the plans on lenr-canr.org Heh.

Or are you keeping something secret?


> Really, what? MIB's or no MIB's, you are NOT
> going to be allowed to introduce ANY new source of energy to replace the
> current, (unless you allow for another 100 years for its phase in).

It's not "allow replacement" that's the issue.  If you know of a working
device, everyone on vortex-L can try building a copy.  I can put the plans
on scienceclub.org, or we can have S. Q. Field post it on scitoys.com as a
project for kids.  He already has a crude copper-oxide solar cell there,
but no "OU energy device."  We need a crude magnet-motor science project
which actually works, and which kids can build for themselves.

> I am going far to far here, but a little thought on the chain reaction says
> it will not happen even if it should.

If you seriously think that ANY free-energy device is already out there
and anyone can build one to demonstrate that it's real...  which one is
it?  Have you made a successful Coler device or similar?  Is it sitting in
your garage, getting hot and putting out RF fields?  If not, then do you
know of someone else?  It has to be someone who isn't trying to "get rich
by keeping their device a secret."

(((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com                         http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  425-222-5066    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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