On 9/2/06, Terry Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
This is the voltage we have gotten from a permanent 
magnet motor attached to the rotor: 
the file should read: 
But you probably figured that out. 

I should also clarify that the PM motor mentioned above is being used as a generator. It's late and I am tired. The generator is only 48% efficient at the 90 RPM loaded rotation rate of the Sprain Magmo. Since the EM needs to be fired with 20 VDC I could build a gating circuit which charges our capacitor after the ramp voltage exceeds around 18 VDC; however, Paul is awaiting delivery of the new mag and a COP of 2.35 is on the ragged edge of being able to work. You really need a COP of 3.0 to self-run.

It's quite difficult to calculate the COP of the new arrangement. However, it looks like it will freewheel at a rate faster than 3600 rpm. While the pulse will need to be close to 100 A at 110 V, the duration is much, much less. I am calculating COPs 1 to 2 orders of magnitude greater than the present configuration.

I have some of the best MEs helping me; but, we can't believe our calculations. It looks like the new configuration will be able to generate 1000 to 3000 excess watts.

An amusing anecdote: When we were presenting to the billionaire investor, he asked how we will start the motor. Obviously, the answer is by using the generator as a starter motor. However, I responded, "We will start them at the factory since there is never any reason to stop them."

The PhD in magnetics who works for the magnet manufacturer was skeptical until we had him run 3D simulations of the new magnet. When it finally dawned on him what this would do, he said "Do you realize what you have here??" LOL!

Paul wants to use them to desalinate the Atlantic and irrigate the Sahara. Oh, and make $$. :-)

I just want to put the oilies back on their camels and in their tents. We are funding BOTH sides of the war.


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