Why have we tried to decrease the ‘time’ measurement window? Look at the
first oscilloscopes, they were deemed a great advance in measurement
technology, yet they were slow, the window was broad. Technology improved
and we began to see things in waveforms that we were amazed with. The faster
the scope got the more we saw and the more we understood, to a limit.
Storage scopes were the butter on the bread, yet x-hertz views did and do
not exist today.

So in short, how do we view an event in real time? We don’t. The only way
you can view an event is if you are viewing in the same time frame as the
event. Okay what does this mean? It means you are the event!

Your can never be the observer and see what is taking place in the event,
unless you are the event.

In short we can never see that short time frame where dimensional
interaction is actually playing a part in the observed reaction.

Left field? Okay, but so are some of the other Hypotheses such as ‘String

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