In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Tue, 23 Oct 2007 09:23:50 -0700 (PDT):
>The low powered AM radio station business nearby is
>not a very likely power source. If the near field is
>about a 1/3 wave length, taking the broadcast band,
>figuring the wave lengths and then the uV per meter
>density to get an apparent 11 watts would mean he
>could reach out and touch the tower (or climb up a few
>feet ;-). 

If resonant energy transfer is taking place, then the signal goes as 1/r, not
1/r^2 as in the case of normal radio transmission. This means that the
transmitter can be farther away. However if the energy is being transmitted
through the ground, then it can go even farther, because once the ground is
saturated there is very little attenuation (my intuition talking here). Note
that Tesla lit light bulbs 25 miles away, with no wires, using only the ground
as common medium. He also specifically denied that normal Herzian waves were
involved. (See also and

On a tangent, at what frequencies does HAARP transmit?


Robin van Spaandonk

The shrub is a plant.

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