While I agree completely with Jed, the question remains, "Did the administration know that 9/11 was going to happen and did nothing to prevent it?" The whole conspiracy approach is based on a profound distrust of this government. While they could not go so far as to plant explosives, how far would they go to gain an advantage by such an event? Would they make sure the planes were not stopped? Such questions were not explored by NIST.


Jed Rothwell wrote:

Jones Beene wrote:

 > The release of the recent NIST coverup . . .

This conspiracy theorizing is nonsense. NIST would NEVER cover up anything as big as this. It is inconceivable. (They make minor transgressions of course, being human.)

My father worked at NIST. I know people who work at the CDC and NIH and other government agencies. Professional scientists at places like that would no more lie or cover up the facts about a disaster of this magnitude than I would. There isn't enough money in the world to bribe them to do such thing. And if they were to do it, there is no chance a cover up could be maintained. Someone would blow the whistle. In real life, dozens would.

What you are suggesting is as unrealistic as the skeptics' version of cold fusion history: that the ~2000 researchers who claim they have observed cold fusion are lying, or lunatics, or horribly incompetent. They have made thousands of errors and yet strangely enough not a single skeptic has ever discovered one of these errors.

It is true that from outside a field such as cold fusion often make spurious and unsupported claims about the research. The 2004 DoE Review is a good example. They do not believe a word of the reports, so they invent nonsensical reasons to dismiss them. It is also true a small number of cold fusion researchers make unfounded claims, and I suspect a few have even lied. But the vast majority are telling the truth, because that is what professional people in all walks of life do: they act responsibly and tell the truth. They do their job. They might make irresponsible claims about other people's research, but they seldom make absurd claims about work that they themselves had devoted years of effort to. If the people at NIST were to lie about their 9/11 findings, it would be by far the worst betrayal of professional ethics in the history of health & safety research. The notion that they would do that resembles the insane claims that the CDC or the NIH invented AIDS and then deliberately infected the black population with it. It is like suggesting that teachers in public schools routinely rape, kill and cannibalize small children, and the parents haven't noticed or they are afraid to protest. Or the idea that the moon landings were fake and everyone in NASA is on the conspiracy.

Steve Jones does not believe cold fusion is real. He has seen incontrovertible evidence that it is real, and he has met for many days with people such as Miles and Storms, who have told him about their results in detail. But, like Robert Park, Huizenga and Arata, he is convinced that all of the results are wrong. They have turned their backs on rationality and the scientific method. They believe only what they want to believe; only what appeals to them. Jones and Arata cling to the notion that they, and they alone, discovered cold fusion, and all other published results are "amateur mistakes" as Arata puts it. Park cannot bring himself to admit he is wrong. These people will ignore any amount of evidence, both scientific evidence and common sense proof, such as the fact that thousands of professional scientists do not simultaneously go insane or start telling lies that will destroy their reputations and ruin their field for a generation.

Furthermore, the supposed reasons for these imaginary conspiracies are completely irrational and without foundation. That should tell you that the conspiracy theories do not hold water. The skeptics think that cold fusion researchers are trying to scam the public for research funding. Anyone familliar with the researchers and with academic funding levels knows this is absurd. The people who claim that the second set of buildings to collapse in 9/11 say, for example, that the CIA had offices in them which they wanted to destroy. This hypothesis is ludicrous. If the CIA has files or objects it wants to destroy, it can easily transport them by armored car to an incinerator. It can destroy things without attracting attention or incurring large expenses. Deliberately burning objects in a building in Manhattan is the worst imaginable method of destroying information!

Because Steve Jones has turned his back on rationality, he rushes to embrace things like the 9/11 conspiracy theories, which are every bit as daft as his notions about cold fusion. To paraphrase Lord Chesterfield's remark about God, a man who stops believing in experimental evidence will believe any damn thing.

- Jed

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