In contrast, Toyota sold the Prius at a loss at first and provided a very good insurance policy that covered any flaw or inconvenience, including free oil change. A person had nothing to lose by trying out the new technology. Meanwhile, by the time the Volt hits the market, the Prius will be half its price and be totally proven in its behavior. Guess what will happen to GM.


On Sep 17, 2008, at 4:15 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Michael Foster wrote:

I find this an exciting development. I hope GM can deliver. The 40 mile electric range would not quite cover my commute round-trip . . .

It is exciting, but unfortunately the car is slated to cost ~$40,000 so they will not sell many. It a luxury market product, for wealthy people who want to help the environment.

Perhaps they have leeway to lower the price. It does not seem to be especially complicated or expensive technology. But my guess is that they will charge what the market will bear (the highest price they can). I doubt they want to sell large numbers of a radically new design at first. There are bound to be problems and recalls.

- Jed

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