Stephen A. Lawrence wrote on 11-18-08:

"The Michelson-Morely experiment was designed to test
a prediction made by a particular aether theory which
was widely accepted at that time.  The prediction was
contradicted by the results of the experiment."

Hi All,

Lorentz explained the null result of the MM experiment by
inventing length contraction.  Apparently he believed that
length contraction saved the ether theory of that time.

Jack Smith


Stephen A. Lawrence also wrote:

"According to the Kiplinger Letter, dated Nov 14 [2008],
they had the following comment to make concerning our
nation's natural gas reserves:

``A U.S. natural gas boom? Better believe it, and it'll
begin in just a year. Look for rapid development of
monumental-size natural gas deposits trapped in mile-deep
shale formations that zigzag beneath N.Y., Pa., Ohio
and W.Va.

The Marcellus Play contains as much as 1000 trillion
cubic feet of gas. If there is that much and it can all be
mined, it will meet U.S.  needs for 40 years, at current
usage. New drilling techniques make it more feasible and
profitable. Among the firms involved: MarkWest Energy
Resources and Atlas Energy Partners.

That should slow the rise in prices. They've soared 400%
since 2000.

But relief may be tempered. Demand for gas will grow
sharply when Congress imposes emission limits on carbon
dioxide, a greenhouse gas linked to global warming. That
will mean a greater reliance on gas-powered plants.''"

Jack writes:

I think T. Boone Pickens has the right idea here:  Generate
400,000 mega-watts of electricity, half the U. S. current
electrical capacity, with windmills in the Texas to
Canada wind corridor.  Shut down the U. S. power plants
currently using methane (about 20% of U. S. capacity),
and use that methane as compressed natural gas to fuel
most U. S. trucks.  That would reduce U. S. oil consumption
by 30%, according to Pickens.

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