On Jan 7, 2009, at 4:42 AM, OrionWorks wrote:

Of course, P. Zimmerman has weighed in over at
http://forum.hydrino.org with the following predictably negative

"Not only cannot either "Estacado" (whatever it actually is) or
Farmers' make use of this license; we actually do not know whether
they have paid BlackLight for the license or whether they got the
license free from BLP as part of the program to make it appear that
Mills is on the verge of commercial breakthroughs. BlackLight may
simply get a royalty on KWH generated, if and when in the sweet bye
and bye."

But in the financially pressed present, they get to send out press releases."


I don't see why anyone would expect the contracts to be mainly for other than experimentation or product evaluation, from BLP's perspective. That would be a useful deal for BLP, to have someone willing to risk their boiler fire boxes to materials with not fully established long term properties sealed in metal tubes. If BLP is actually running such tests then that is a pretty good sign of progress. If the agreements are only in anticipation of the possibility of the need to run such tests, maybe not such a great sign.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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