Jed sez:

> Zimmerman is amazing. He is out on a limb, vigorously sawing it behind him.
> He doesn't know when to shut up! Or at least, when to hedge his bet. I am no
> friend of BLP but I would never raise groundless doubts about their business
> transactions!
> Yes, it is possible they are doing something underhanded. In the modern era
> we have learned it is possible to steal $50 billion in a Ponzi scheme. But
> if you have no evidence that someone is cheating you should never allege
> that they are.
> - Jed

It's been my experience that Dr. Zimmerman is more than capable of
hedging his bets when he feels he may be on thin ice. However, in this
case he does give me the impression that he feels his opinion stands
on firm ground. After all he has argued at length mathematically
against the existence of hydrinos for years. Therefore, his educated
opinion on the non-existence of this atomic species HAS to be right.

ZEN comment: Opinions are only as good as how well they serve us.
Problems can crop up when we end up serving the opinion rather than
the other way around. Sooner or later it will demand a sacrifice in
order to defend its honor.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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