The world is full of contrarians and fear mongers.  They will be used
by the fossil fuel industries to slow the progress of any replacement


On 1/8/09, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:
> Terry Blanton wrote:
> > Considering that the mass release of hydrinos into the environment is
> > totally unknown, it's my bet that you will see hot fusion before you
> > see a hydrino powered generator go online.
> >
> I do not think this will be a problem. Most scientists claim that hydrinos
> do not exist. Therefore they cannot be released into the environment. So
> there can be no environmental issue.
> A similar situation arose in the early days of cold fusion. Melvin Miles
> observed excess heat and began looking for tritium. The safety officer at
> China Lake became concerned and want to close down the experiment because it
> might be dangerous. Miles and showed him papers & editorials from Nature and
> elsewhere claiming that cold fusion does not exist and convinced him that
> since it does not exist it cannot be a safety threat.
> This is the only incident I am aware of in which the opponents of cold
> fusion were helpful and served a useful purpose, albeit inadvertently.
> - Jed

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