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Here is another cold fusion related message, quoted in full:

The Department of Engergy should not actively discourage privately-funded energy research that it does not choose to fund itself

In implementing its energy research program, the new administration should NOT use its influence in such a way as to actively discourage privately-funded research that goes in directions the government has not chosen to fund itself. I have personal experience with a previous administration that discouraged private research. In 1989, 1990 and part of 1991, I was a member of a small company that was designing a privately-financed cold nuclear fusion research project. There was one item we needed that we couldn't provide for ourselves--a neutron detector. So we sought to enter into a contract with a nearby university that had a nuclear engineering department and a neutron detector, for a location to perform our tests, for use of its neutron detector, and for technical advice in designing the experiment. We had a nuclear engineering professor who was interested in working with us. However, for almost two years, the university balked. Ultimately, a high administrative officer of the university told us (I was personally present to hear this) that the university was afraid to proceed with the project because the U.S. Department of Energy had let it be known that they intended to withdraw grant funding from any institution that allowed itself to become involved in cold fusion research. Ultimately, the university agreed to allow us to run a single test (recall that Edison required several hundred tries in inventing a commercializable light bulb) on the condition that we maintain extreme secrecy. In subsequent years, most of the university's nuclear engineering funding was lost and it disbanded its nuclear engineering department, because the U.S. government largely abandoned nuclear energy research as a priority (not because we breached secrecy). The US Department of Energy should not attempt to to intimidate private entities to abandon research directions it does not support itself. 0 Comments ยป Posted by <>Ian_Johnson to <>Energy and Environment on 1/12/2009 5:20 PM

- Jed

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