Howdy Jack,
There is a paradox of emotions and beginning reactions inside the USA to the latest wave of economic rhetoric. The rural vs the big city. Since we have our plant in the rural area between Houston and San Antonio our employees run a few cows and think like rural people. We also have offices in the major cities and this provides us a sounding board of comparison between people that grew up in the rural vs the big city. There is a difference in their mental posture and this is a paradox. For one, the racial attitude is different and profound.

Our employees have retirement programs keyed to the stock market. The employees in the big cities take a mostly passive attitude at the loss they see in their 401K plans.. the rural employes have a much more agressive reaction. What does all this mean?? It means any trouble that BO can't resolve will likely have a first reaction in major cities... but.. a more frightening reaction in the rural.

Does this simmering atttitude disturb me?? ya betcha it does. The Navy, 1946, Bainbridge Maryland.. war over. waiting to get discharged.. trouble started in the chow hall and spread.. never saw or read anything about it later.. all hushed up. BUT.. an 18 year old kid like me from the rural learned something about people and their reactions. Ugly and can't be controlled once it starts.. has to play its way out. don't count on FEMA.

The most recent longer wave is the one that terminated
in 1914 - 1945, analogous to the 30-years war: 1618 - 1648.
So the massive swindles (trillions for "asset-backed"
securities, the Iraq War, foreign oil, credit cards, etc.)
which have brought us to our knees, probably represent a
recurring theme which is superimposed on the K-wave.

My hunch is that the K-wave will bring the ship of
state (a kayak?) popping to the surface; but we will
all have to lend a hand.

Jack Smith

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