Hi Thomas:


Your recent response to Grok:

> Another interesting comment. You may have heard that
> certain Christians believe that one of these days a
> trumpet is going to blow, and they are going to
> vanish. Well I'm one of them. That's why I'm not just
> too concerned about the world's continuing to
> deterioration. The main reason is that I've realized
> over the past 1/2 century that there's nothing I
> can do about it.

I think you would really enjoy an obscure film titled "The Rapture",
produced in 1991. See:


Actually, this film treats the biblical concept known as "The Rapture"
in what I thought was a realistic, even respectful manner. Granted, as
you may have also already surmised from our past conversations I don't
subscribe to this particular belief, but I'm glad I saw the film. I
would recommend it to others as a good think piece.

I think one of my main objections to the concept often described as
"The Rapture" is that for many it would seem to imply that there is
absolutely nothing any of us can do about the human condition, coming
Biblical Events.

There is often a Razor's Edge line between granting ourselves serenity
over what we are powerless to do anything about versus the courage to
change the things that we can. The distinction is learned through
wisdom. This is a profound lesson I'm still learning, and hopefully
will continue to learn till I take my last breath. It's also, as I'm
sure you are already aware, a major cornerstone of every 12-step
self-help program as each individual learns to surrender to a Higher
Power for which they are powerless against.

While I gather you believe you are "one of them", one of the lucky few
who will suddenly vanish as The Rapture manifests across the planet
and takes you and hopefully all your cherished loved ones onwards to a
better place, I would hope you would find the time to ponder the

What value and reward is a Spiritual Destination where one feels there
is nothing they can do about what is going to happen on this planet?
What value is a Spiritual Destination where one does not feel "too
concerned" about the world's continued deterioration, presumably
because their g_d will soon spirit them away miraculously from all
this earthly misery.

I'm puzzled, Thomas. What is your criteria for qualification for
rapture status? Surely you're not implying that someone who spends his
entire life and eventually dies trying to change the world to make it
a better place won't get raptured, particularly if he doesn't accept
what I presume are certain beliefs. I hasten to add here that I don't
want to put words in your mouth.

So, could you please elucidate me on this point if you would on how
you know you are going to get raptured while many of us, I presume,
you're not so sure about.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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