--- Horace Heffner <hheff...@mtaonline.net> wrote:

> Asteroid 2009 DD45 had a 48,000 mile close call
> March 2, 2009.  What  
> has not explicitly been said AFAIK is whether or not
> that was within  
> a window that can establish a "resonant return",
> i.e. a direct hit on  
> a return fly by.  Perhaps it is too soon to know due
> to the near  
> earth gravitational anomalies.

Chilling thing is, it was already bloody close to us
when discovered, about 1.5 million miles.

My major fear of this is not so much the damage it
would cause if it hit...we can survive a
multimegaton-equivalent impact. But what is preventing
some idiots from seeing this, not thinking, and saying

With so much utter trash in The Mighty Hambone
stimulus bill, why is there not some cash for asteroid
detection and defense? We know this is a threat, we
have clear proof of it. Much more so than 'other'
things in there which the threat of is decidedly

Where's Eugene Shoemaker when you need him?



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