This is becuase the "organic"  old school sprays that most organic
farms use are actually MORE toxic.  Most modern bug and fungus sprays
are designed to break down quickly and NOT poison groundwater.  Where
as the old "organics"....  One of the common fungicides is copper
acetate or sulfate.  Which breaks down, and causes copper poisoning of
the soil.   Organic right now is actually WORSE for the environment.

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 4:23 PM, John Berry <> wrote:
> Organic and Small Farmers and Ranchers; Natural Food Products Farmers Under
> Attack...
> The Obama administration is pushing farm controls through Congress as fast
> as possible and has coordinated the bills so there will be no debate and the
> committee meetings
> <
> ole-090214-935.html> are closed. There are less than two weeks to stop the
> farming bills, H.R. 875 and S. 425. could put organic farms out of
> business. The group Democracy in action writes that the new "food safety"
> bills before in Congress were written and sponsored by big agri companies
> like Monsanto, Cargill, Tysons, and ADM. The USDA would be given the power
> to force organic farmers what to feed their animals, how to medically
> "treat" them and what toxic "sprays" to use. There would be penalties
> beyond the ability of most small farmers to pay. There are buried
> regulations in the bills which criminalize all aspects of farming by listing
> them as "sources of seed contamination". Farmers would be forced to use
> only approved seeds. They could be forced to give up a good seed cleaner
> and put in a building and equipment for a million and half dollars. These
> bills are set to industrialize all farms and force farmers to buy chemicals
> and drugs and face $500,000 penalties if they refuse. More
> <
> 714
> <
> 6714&t> &t
> Farmers Under Attack...
> This urgent message is from our correspondent, Linn Cohen-Cole on February
> 17, 2009:
> We have less than two weeks to stop the take over the farms and ranches.
> H.R. 875 and S. 425
> We need to rally people immediately.
> The new administration is pushing new farm controls through Congress as fast
> as possible and have coordinated the bills so there will be no debate and
> the committee meetings are closed.
> Transparency, change, undoing Bush's regulations, giving the public time to
> comment, grassroots anything? Our entire food system and thus our health is
> being decided without the public knowing and those who do know have zero
> access and the media is absent and they are moving at warp speed to sew this
> up.
> Would you put these out, in this order, showing the article as you do so
> people are more likely to read it? They are imperfect but the closest I've
> come to explaining how the game is going to be played. No direct, frontal
> assault on organic farming but an insidious process of "infecting" organic
> farming...
> Example: imagine Joel Salatin's wonderful organic farm under the direction
> of the USDA, with detailed instructions on what he must feed and when, how
> he must medically "treat" his animals and with what, what he must "spray"
> and when, ... you get the picture. These bills will industrialize all farms
> and insure the farmers are forced to buy chemicals and drugs. Organic is
> dead. As well as human control over the food supply. As well as health.
> Schoolmarm approach to punishing farmers out of farming.
> le-090214-935.html
> Bills being rushed through Congress, set to destroy organic farming.
> <
> le-090217-758.html
> Linn Cohen-Cole is a dedicated researcher and "Paul Revere" of health
> freedom. At her urging, we've set up an Action Item for you to send an
> unmistakable message to your representatives in the Senate and the House. We
> must educate Congress that you do not want organic and small farmers
> regulated out of existence. You do not want "Big Agra" regulations, perhaps
> necessary to protect the public when dealing with large scale agra business,
> applied to organic and small family farms and ranches or to natural and
> organic food products, including Dietary Supplements.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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