Steven Krivit wrote:

> I share your amazement. Generally the prediction goes that they never
> concede, they take their views with them to the grave.
> When I first heard that Voodoo Bob conceded reality of LENR behind closed
> doors at a DoE meeting on Dec. 12, 2006 I tried to contact him. He avoided
> me. Can't say I blame him.

> Those spicy citations you state below...are they Parksie or Petey?

The stuff about "rooting out"? That was Park, at the APS. It was a memorable
talk. I once had an audio recording but it is gone. I described it briefly
in my Titanic paper and in some letters at the time. He started by saying
this is the anniversary of the 1989 announcement. The audience laughed. I
was expecting him to go on and say some magnanimous nonsense along the lines
of: "this incident showed that sometimes scientists can be wrong, but that's
okay, science is about learning and making mistakes . . ." Nothing like
that. It was a raw meat vindictive attack. They are all frauds,
creationists, lunatics. We are going track down every single scientist in
the federal establishment who believes in cold fusion, and root him out."

Zimmerman stood by and said nothing. I noticed his badge before the talk,
and afterward I went up to him, introduced myself and asked "who did you say
you work for again" and can I take a photo. He said "I am not officially
here" and then -- in a hilarious gesture -- he held up a stack of papers
accross his badge to hide it. It reminded me of that hilarious scene in "A
Fish Called Wanda" in which homeowners return unexpectedly to find John
Cleese and his girlfriend cavorting in their flat, and he, being stark
naked, holds up a framed photo of the wife in front of his privates. Ah! You
can see it here:

- Jed

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