Solo sailors at sea, and especially in shipping lanes, learn to wake up
every 20 minutes or so to take a look around the horizon. We do this whether
we are sleeping during the night or day. 

It creates a sustainable rhythm without, it seems, impairing sailing
adeptness, personal energy or boat performance.


-----Original Message-----
From: leaking pen [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Inventors and Uberman/polyphasic sleep

on the uberman sleep schedule... im confused...

After moving a couple years ago, i had a LOT of laundry to do.  to get
through it all, i spent 3 days setting my alarm clock at roughly hour
intervals.  get up with the alarm, change dryer and washer loads, fold
clothes, back to sleep for an hour.  I got about 6 actual hours of
sleep a night, and fantastic sleep.  Why spread it through the day?
why not just artificially "reset" your sleep schedule by waking up for
10 to 15 ever 40 minutes or so?

On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 3:30 PM, William Beaty <> wrote:
>> > People in the "uberman/polyphasic sleep" community think it's a
>> > behavior.  Perhaps it helps to start out with unusual brain chemistry!
>> >
>> Really?  I should look them up.
> Search for blogs,  uberman or polyphasic keyword.
> Various people have managed to trigger the Uberman sleep mode.  I did it
> accidentally while working on huge software deadlines.  It lasts at least
> for weeks, once you get into it.  You could go and work for three
> employers, if they were jobs that allowed ten-minute naps every few hours.
> Be like Tesla, coming home at 6AM to go to work on personal projects, then
> get back to Edison's company at 10AM for a full day of normal work.  (But
> did Tesla's sleep habits cause his hallucinatory and photographic memory
> experiences, or the reverse?)
>> If its causing my blood sugar issues and falling asleep at work, id
>> almost be willing to do something to change the .... no no i wouldnt.
> That's exactly it: if you're trapped in polyphasic sleep, then you're
> hypersensitive to bread/pasta/rice/potatoes and anything full of corn
> syrup, such as spaghetti sauce.  Normal food screws you up.  Or more
> crackpotty: you have to eat living things, or meat that was cooked minutes
> ago, no leftovers (though oddly, smoked meat seems to work.) I was forced,
> FORCED I tell you, to survive entirely on nuts, artisan beer, and fresh
> salmon and herbs w/asparagus, cooked in the microwave at work.   Also I
> found that I needed larger amounts of zinc, so started taking supplements.
> Some brands didn't work though.
>> letting the road itself dictate things, i get openings when i need
>> them to change lanes just appearing before me, my lights are always
>> green, and people pull out of parking spots right in front of me the
>> moment i enter the lot.
> Ah, that's exactly the "Jedi Master" effect.  If you're in polyphasic
> sleep, it's as if the gods are watching you, and doling out anomalous
> synchronicity rewards and punishment based on your petty acts of self-
> importance verus saintliness.  Well, more probably your subconscious is
> awake and watching your tiny conscious personality, and giving it ethical
> lessons.
> (((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
> William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
> billb at amasci com               
> EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
> Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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