I can support Michel's point. In my observation of Mitch's work, his 'style' is his own, and uses acronyms and concepts which are precise but peraps not 'mainstream'. Jed has, at times, publicly said he doesn't understand terms Mitch uses. So there may be a mistrust that Jed in the action of "editing" or "formatting" may inadvertantly alter content. From my observation of Jed's work, such would not happen, for the issues Jed raises have to do with computer formats, not content, plus Mitch's tendency to take affront. Jed's demand that Mitch put the papers on his own website, with written permission to copy, would resolve may of the backbgounr issues.

Mike Carrell

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michel Jullian" <michelj...@gmail.com>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rothwell and Bad Science

Mitchell's refusal of any rewriting of his work seems understandable
to me. Would image pdf with underlying text for searchability satisfy
both belligerents and put an end to this lengthy dispute?

Jed? Mitchell?


2009/10/1, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>:
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Fine!  So start with the abstract in that format, and include the
rest of the paper, as scanned, as if it were graphics.  Problem solved!


Brian, unfortunately, didn't get it, why his "solution" was utterly

He got it as soon as I explained. I gave him the list of 7 reasons
and he immediately agreed.

People who have not worked with web pages, technical documentation,
machine translation, braille readers and whatnot are not likely to
know this stuff. I have been involved with such things for a long
time, and I have distributed millions of papers, so I know what's
needed. It is technical minutia, but done right it can enhance the
web page and help the readers.

Given that it appears that, for at least some of the papers,
searchable text PDF already exists (I pointed to the archive on
newenergytimes.com), the essential barrier would be lack of explicit
permission to host those papers in that format.

An alternative would have been for the text to be converted to a
file as he proposed, and then for Schwartz would approve it. It
seems Schwarz did suggest this was acceptable, but ... who was to do
the substantial work?

No. Swartz adamantly -- nay VOCIFEROUSLY -- opposed the use of text
Acrobat. He insisted that his papers be uploaded in image Acrobat
only. I have no earthly idea why he makes this demand. I don't recall
that he ever gave a reason. You would have to ask him.

Jed could do it, if he were inclined.

I offered. He refused. "Refused" hardly describes it. He went
ballistic and told me there would be dire consequences if I lifted a
finger to convert his papers to this format! God only knows why.
Frankly, I don't care why.

His opposition to this format is even more mind-boggling in view of
the fact that he uploaded his own papers in text HTML. This whole
exchange now seems even more inexplicable and ludicrous.

- Jed

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