
> I never implied the behavior of the universe or of any of its subsets
was or could be in the future exactly predictable, we know since QM
that it is not. QM leaves no room for determinism, which is quite an
improvement over classical physics as it gives us an open future. But
it doesn't leave room for free will either.

> Just this random machine's opinion ;-)

Hey I found out how your brain works and it's not exactly random but maybe
it is closer to "incommensurable" (whatever that is ;-) :


... but seriously - "Free will" is such a nebulous and loaded term, why
waste your time?  

It can be defined in such a way that it clearly exists, or absolutely
doesn't exist, and everything in between - including physico-mechanical(i.e.
deterministic) incommensurability. IOW - It means precisely whatever you
want it to mean... unless you are of the Wiki-persuasion and in the interest
of PC need to let everyone put in their 2 cents worth, in 10,000 words or
less (not counting the charts).



Mauro Lacy wrote re: Michel Jullian's quasi-random opinion:

> I never implied the behavior of the universe or of any of its subsets
> was or could be in the future exactly predictable, we know since QM
> that it is not. QM leaves no room for determinism, which is quite an
> improvement over classical physics as it gives us an open future. But
> it doesn't leave room for free will either.

> Just this random machine's opinion ;-)

You're equating randomness with incommensurability.

That which at the physico-mechanical(i.e. deterministic) level eludes us
as random could be (in some cases) the manifestation of higher forms of
order. In fact(and to be precise) "randomness" could be the "window of
opportunity" by which higher ordered phenomena can manifest in the
physical world. That is: that which is not balanced and equilibrated
(i.e. explained and predicted) at a merely physico-mechanical level,
seeks for equilibrium and balance(and also cries for an explanation) at
a higher level. Life, perception and conscience are then manifestations
of the Universe's "quest for closure" at higher and higher levels of
existence, some of which are not (not necessarily) material.


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