At 11:56 AM 12/11/2009, Horace Heffner wrote:

On Dec 11, 2009, at 6:29 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
TSC would be neutrally charged, because it includes the electrons
-- Heffner note! -- and so it could fuse with Other Stuff,


Isn't this a form of electron screening?

If it's nonsense, I'd like to see a cogent analysis of why. I brought up TSC theory here months ago, and reaction to it, mostly negative, was based on a misunderstanding -- which I shared -- that 23.8 MeV alphas would be expected. How about an update based on the actual theory, as published by Takahashi, which predicts a series of photon emissions that dump most of that energy most of the time?

TSC would not normally fuse with other nuclei, though I think Takahashi mentions it, because it would be formed with low momentum and would not be likely to reach other nuclei within the femtosecond or so it has, if I understand it right.

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