I am not certain if matter can actually leave the “present” or just does a 4D 
transformation where one spatial dimension trades places with time such that a 
different inertial frame simply means the “present” is wider or thinner than 
our frame. This gets into a weakness I have always had regarding velocity and 
acceleration where some people insist you need “acceleration” to produce time 
dilation while my take is that you only need a luminal difference in velocity 
to accumulate dilation. –maybe someone will chip in and explain it to me- 

I am not sure that this makes any difference since a different speed always 
represents a certain amount of acceleration between the frames.
·         Likewise, when the catalyzed reactants emerge from the cavity, they 
are not 
·         emerging from our future---if they are then you and I have got to 
·         ourselves the lottery numbers from fifteen minutes in the 
future---how about 
·         it???  (I actually tried a similar thing with the Electron 
·         Condensate inside a superconductor disk, positing that the condensate 
locked in 
·         the electron zombie state over time as well as over physical 
·         results yet!!!)  
See articles about Professor Ron Mallet 
http://www.physorg.com/news63371210.html who intends just that using powerful 
circulating laser beams. He hopes to receive messages from the future when they 
turn on their prototype. I have written him without reply and have considered 
exactly the scenario you describe but even looping a transmission while inside 
the other inertial frame or between frames still undergoes a translation every 
transmission between frames. 

I have also had trouble getting him to respond---my recommendation to him was 
to cause a circular shadow inside the beam, thus creating a perfect, continuous 
tube of light.  Is any one set up to try such a thing?
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