I was really hoping for more comment on the Theory of Little Pops.  To me, part 
of the appeal is this:  If one Big Bang can get around such annoying 
difficulties such as the creation of mass and energy---and (why not?) Spacetime 
itself----why not endow the 
"Little Pops" of the Quantum-Flux with the same capacity to create more matter 
than antimatter???  This is also a good route to explaining a growing Earth.  
To me the only obstacle to this theory is convincing people that new matter can 
arise within the Earth.
Indeed, if one invokes Relativity's limitation on Mass-Density, one arrives at 
a minimum Quantum-Flux Wavelength that is close to the Planck-Length, according 
to Wheeler, (Geometrodynamics 1962)  At this point, the smaller wavlengths 
always give rise to tiny black holes and whiteholes--which Wheeler called 
wormholes--I'm not sure whether he first created the t.  (Which in my mind 
would go a long ways in explaining the Quasi-Local Nature of Space and  Spooky 
Action at a Distance.)
It is quite possible that large, dense gravitational bodies have more 
white-holes than blackholes with more particulates emerging from them than is 
disappearing.  Hence a Growing Earth.
Incidentally, we only have ocean floor data going back up to 200,000,000 years 
ago.  All of our truly ancient fossils come from the Continents, remnants of 
the Early Sea that did indeed cover most of the Earth at that point!  
Interestingly, the Continents fit together on a Glob that is about Sixty 
percent its current size.  Apparently, the volume of the Earth was small enough 
that the crust could stretch, crack and heal up until this point.
It is really important to understand that Neal Adams did not assemble the 
continents on a smaller globe in the manner that one would assemble a puzzle.  
In one of his videos, he shows how he subtracted ten-million years of the most 
recent ocean floor formation, shrunk his Virtual Earth which then closed the 
gaps and did it again and again, in ten-million year increments.  This process, 
naturally, moves the continents together until finally there are no 
gaps---200,000,000 years ago.  Fossilized Flora and Fauna match across these 
lines, around the World!
The GE model of mountain-range growth as a function of the Earth's Crust 
flattening out as the curvature decreases is a far better explanation for all 
the high-pressure-formed minerals that are lying around so close the surface in 
association with these mountain ranges.
He makes quite a case for the same process happening on various planets and 
moons where photographic evidence is available.  His video of our Moon is quite 


From: scott...@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Processed Raney is safer & Event Horizon Terminology
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2010 08:44:44 -0800


I am not certain if matter can actually leave the “present” or just does a 4D 
transformation where one spatial dimension trades places with time such that a 
different inertial frame simply means the “present” is wider or thinner than 
our frame. This gets into a weakness I have always had regarding velocity and 
acceleration where some people insist you need “acceleration” to produce time 
dilation while my take is that you only need a luminal difference in velocity 
to accumulate dilation. –maybe someone will chip in and explain it to me- 

I am not sure that this makes any difference since a different speed always 
represents a certain amount of acceleration between the frames.
·         Likewise, when the catalyzed reactants emerge from the cavity, they 
are not 
·         emerging from our future---if they are then you and I have got to 
·         ourselves the lottery numbers from fifteen minutes in the 
future---how about 
·         it???  (I actually tried a similar thing with the Electron 
·         Condensate inside a superconductor disk, positing that the condensate 
locked in 
·         the electron zombie state over time as well as over physical 
·         results yet!!!)  
See articles about Professor Ron Mallet 
http://www.physorg.com/news63371210.html who intends just that using powerful 
circulating laser beams. He hopes to receive messages from the future when they 
turn on their prototype. I have written him without reply and have considered 
exactly the scenario you describe but even looping a transmission while inside 
the other inertial frame or between frames still undergoes a translation every 
transmission between frames. 

I have also had trouble getting him to respond---my recommendation to him was 
to cause a circular shadow inside the beam, thus creating a perfect, continuous 
tube of light.  Is any one set up to try such a thing?

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