Steven Krivit wrote:

My next question is how the whole buzz on this started...obviously there was the "Journal of Nuclear Physics" Web site. But who propagated that around? Anybody know?

The usual suspects. Me and many others. Anyone interested in cold fusion will have heard about this by now. It is either an exciting new development, or a mistake. We have seen a good many of both.

Focardi is widely known. He has published in important journals. Everyone familiar with the literature knows about him. They probably also know that Cerron-Zeballos called into question his work, and that others have had difficulty replicating. However, despite the fact that doubts have been raised about his work, I take him seriously, and I would take notice of any news or new paper from him. Naturally, I will pass on this news to everyone I know -- as I did. Why wouldn't I?

I have asked permission to upload the paper to I also told him there is a spelling error in it. I have not heard back yet.

I have received several queries on this matter from multiple sources from several countries in Europe and in the U.S. Something/someone triggered/launched a viral response.

Why viral? Why not just say it is the usual cold fusion grapevine discussing a result? After they uploaded the paper Focardi and Rossi must have told someone, who told someone else, who told me. I heard it from a half-dozen people. There are only a small number of people in this field, and we are bound to hear about anything that happens, sooner or later.

In a newsletter for palladium speculators, someone recently wondered if the upcoming ACS meeting will reveal any "breakthroughs" or "surprises." I felt like telling them there are never any surprises in this field. We all hear about everything long before it is published. However, it is not good form to blab about these things because they might turn out to be a mistake. There is no harm in making a mistake, and no embarrassment, as long as you do not get excited and declare Eureka in public prematurely, before you realize you goofed.

- Jed

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