Jones Beene <> wrote:

"> Yes, abundantly clear! In short, the whole “altruism” thing borders on
laughable according to N.H. connections familiar with this situation, or to
anyone who has closely followed his story, and talked to people who know
Rossi personally."

I think this is unfair to Rossi. he has never made any bones about the fact
that he wants to earn a great deal of money from this invention. He made
that clear to me. I seen no contradiction between wanting to make money and
also being an altruistic philanthropist.

Carnegie and Bill Gates are examples of hard-driving,  competitive
capitalists who were greedy even arguably to to point of being unethical,
yet they were also the most generous philanthropists in history. They were
philanthropists who wanted to control other people, and control the course
of events. That is one way of being altruistic.

I think he is a control freak. This is reflected in his odd ideas about how
much power he can exert over his customers. For example he thinks he can
prevent the military from purchasing his machines. This is a violation of
trade laws, as I pointed out. I think any experienced businessman would tell
you this is ridiculous.

Bill Gates is reportedly a control freak. Or he was in his salad days.
Perhaps he has mellowed.

"> This goes much further than the toxic dumping conviction in Italy, and
his lame excuse – trying to blame it on the Italian mafia, for instance.

Well, it is possible that is the story. The Mafia does have tentacles
everywhere in Italian society.

"> Plus, there are reasons to doubt his story about the sale of his business
and particular the thousand reactors, cough, cough."

I think that just means many iterations. Not literally 1,000 separate
machines. I am sure he used the same core and plumbing and other components

"> As of this fiscal year - Leonardo, Corp. has NOT been sold! And he or his
agent would be required to report it."

I think the story is that the Italian company was sold for €1 million. It
did not say the US branch was sold.

The strange thing is, where he got the money is his business. He has no
motive to lie about it. He has a strange tendency to make public statements
that may be lies, mistakes or simply confusion, and they are mainly about
issues that do not matter either way, which he has no reason to lie about,
and which are really no one's business but his own.

- Jed

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