I wrote:

> The demonstration Krivit observed was NOT a test, as I have said
> repeatedly. Rossi told me in advance explicitly that it would not be a test.
> Those were his very words! He says "no more tests until October."

In some of the of the earlier tests they did make sure the reservoir was on
the weight scale, and they did measure the steam quality and do more careful
temperature measurements, so these were valid tests. The 18-hour test with
flowing water was completely valid, and the results were compelling, unless
you think Levi et al. are lying. I think that is highly unlikely, and I also
think it is unlikely that Rossi fooled them.

The distinction between a test and a demonstration is somewhat
indeterminate. It is matter of opinion. In my opinion, the January events
were closer to the "test" end of the scale. What Krivit saw was far to the
"demonstration" side. Much too far for my taste.

- Jed

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