The thing is Widom Larsen theory (which I do not think is valid) does produce 
nuclear fusion.

When a proton and electron pretending to be a neutron enter an atom's nucleus 
releasing energy and causing transmutations, it is FUSION!!!

The Widom Larsen folks are absolutely out of their minds trying to claim the 
theory does not produce fusion.

From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 9:11 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:PhysOrg reports on Krivit's latest article...

>From Bergman

> Can somebody explain me how,
> "it is likely a weak interaction involving neutrons, without fusion"
> could possibly gain energy? And where do these neutrons come from?
> It looks like people are more skeptical on the claim 'cold fusion'
> than on the claim that 'abra-ca-dabra' can actually do something.

What piqued my interest was reading the phrase "...a weak interaction
involving neutrons, without fusion." Sure sounds like Widom-Larsen speak to

My my my! What's going on under the bed sheets here?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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