Terry sez:

> The truly progressive cynic eventually forms a crusty chrysalis
> from which eventually emerges a jaded dung beetle.

IMHO, a truly progressive cynic has a sense of humor. Some cynics make
marvelous comedians.

About a year ago I recall Mr. Krivit demanding that Mr. Rothwell
publicly apologize for something Jed had sed that offended Krivit's
sensibilities. I don't recall the particulars of that spat, nor do I
care to - only that Jed didn't apologize. Soon after, Mr. Krivit
announced that he was leaving the Vort Collective, presumably to avoid
being the brunt of what he perceived as additional personal insults
lobbed in his general direction - like farts.

I perceive Mr. Krivit as working very hard at the task of being the
best investigative journalist that he can be. I think he may still
achieve that goal.

Incidentally, as Dirty Harry once said: "A man's got to know his limitations"


Despite the fact that I perceive Mr. Krivit as possessing the
sensibilities of a cynic I think he has wisely chosen not to pursue
the path of a comedian.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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