On 2011-09-01 18:06, Joe Catania wrote:
I think that should be Aug. 22

No, it's really September 22nd. By the way, in that very same thread, a well-informed and reliable user (who has got contacts from CNR [1] and INFN [2]) added some more information that has been also partially confirmed by Daniele on his 22passi blog:

- It's Rossi himself that decided to take part to these tests. This happened on August 27th and since then, test protocols are being discussed among some academic circles in the USA and Italy [from which some information has been leaking] - Although Rossi initially complained about it, he agreed to perform tests without phase changes (no steam) - Tests will begin on September 3rd [and according to Rossi in one his posts on JoNP, they will last about two months [3] ]

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consiglio_Nazionale_delle_Ricerche
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Istituto_Nazionale_di_Fisica_Nucleare
[3] http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=510&cpage=5#comment-66737


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