Why are you guys referring to really old JLN stuff in 2011!?

September 14, 2011Steorn Drops Four Bombshell Documents Validating Orbo

*The Dublin based, Irish free energy company Steorn, has allowed PESN to
view and report on four documents written by third party scientists and
engineers that appear to validate the Orbo overunity technology.*

by Hank Mills <http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Hank_Mills>
for *Pure Energy Systems News*

PESN has been given the opportunity by Sean McCarthy, the CEO of
to review four documents that provide confirmation of their overunity
magnetic technology, named Orbo. The first three documents cover tests
performed on permanent magnet based systems, and the final document
discusses a test of a solid state Orbo in a calorimeter. The significance of
these documents is that they seem to validate Steorn's technology, and prove
the Orbo technology works as Steorn has claimed.

*Orbo's Back Story *

Steorn is the Irish based company that in August of 2006 announced -- via a
full page advertisement in The Economist -- they had developed a technology
that offered free, clean, and constant energy. Around this same time, they
opened a public forum (now closed) on their website, on which the CEO of the
company, Sean McCarthy, frequently posted and contributed to discussions.
This public forum evolved, and lead to the creation of a private forum for
those willing to sign non-disclosure agreements. This private forum
eventually became what is today called the "Steorn Knowledge Development
Base <http://www.steorn.com/skdb/>" or SKDB.

Between 2006 and present day, Steorn has been rapidly developing their
technology, which is all based on magnetism. Originally, in 2006, their
technology utilized only permanent magnets interacting with other magnets in
very specific ways. These original configurations utilized the concept of
magnetic viscosity (the delay of a magnetic material to move on the BH
respond magnetically, when exposed to the field of another magnet) to
produce gains or losses of energy. In a rotary system utilizing such a
setup, if the rotor moved in one direction there would be a loss of energy,
and if it moved in the other direction there would be a gain of energy. Over
the course of time, Steorn enhanced their permanent-magnet-only
configurations to include the use of "soft" (not having a permanent magnetic
field of their own) magnetic materials -- such as ferrite -- and geometric
relationships that allowed for greater amounts of OU. As their
configurations evolved, so did their understanding of what was taking place
to produce the gains/losses of energy. They came to the realization that the
manipulation of the BH curve was at the heart of all their configurations.

At some point Steorn developed a design for an electric pulse motor -- named
E-Orbo - that did not produce back EMF (also known as counter EMF), and
hence produced overunity gains of energy. Back EMF is the enemy of free
energy in electric motors, because it is the signature of energy transfer
between the circuit that powers the electromagnets (input) that are pulsed,
and the rotor (output). If you can avoid producing back EMF, you simply will
not be transferring energy from the input to the output. The concept is that
the torque gained by the rotor will be thermodynamically free. Hence, the
efficiency of such a setup will be infinite, since none of the input is
actually consumed.

During late 2009 and early 2010, Steorn held a series of demonstrations of
the E-Orbo at the Waterways Center in Dublin, Ireland. These demonstrations
were streamed live onto the internet, and were posted to YouTube
http://www.youtube.com/user/SteornOfficial . With high end oscilloscopes,
current probes, inductance meters, and other equipment, Steorn was able to
clearly show the E-Orbo systems present were producing overunity, and not
producing back EMF (within the measurement capability of the equipment
present). In fact, in addition to producing a gain of energy in the form of
torque on the rotor, the coils being pulsed experienced an "induction gain."
Many individuals replicated the E-Orbo, and posted videos of their systems
on the internet. In the recent past, the patent for E-Orbo has been
published. It documents the system down to the smallest detail.

Steorn is first and foremost an intellectual property company that desires
to accumulate a stock of patented, novel technologies they can license to
developers. Their primary goal is not to develop products themselves, but to
allow their licensees to do so. This drive to accumulate as much
intellectual property as possible, is probably what drove them to pursue a
solid state (no moving parts) version of their Orbo technology. The
following description of their solid state technology was provided on a
previous version of their website.

Solid State Orbo is the latest physical implementation of the Orbo
technology platform. Solid State has numerous advantages over previous
implementations. The fact that the Solid State version has no moving parts
lowers the costs and reduces the time-frame for developers wishing to
replicate the core effect. Testing is greatly simplified too. The only test
equipment required is a simple digital oscilloscope.

Solid State Orbo gains energy via control of a material's inductance and
domain rotation. As with all previous implementations of Orbo, these
material permeability effects are fundamental to the production of an energy

Although Solid State Orbo is in the early stages of development, rapid
progress is being made with regards to optimisation. For this reason, it
forms the basis of the Steorn Knowledge Development Base.

The development of the solid state Orbo technology seems to be their current
focus. A solid state technology that can produce overunity gains of energy
would be a huge achievement. Once hitting the marketplace, such a technology
would have the potential to advance as rapidly as integrated circuit chips
did in the 1990's.

*Awesome Scoop for PESN*

After hearing very little from Steorn for quite a while, an email was sent
to Sean McCarthy requesting an update on the status of their company. He
very promptly (hours later) replied to the email, and offered PESN a great
opportunity to review four papers -- written by third party scientists and
engineers -- about the Orbo technology. The condition that came with the
offer was that the papers themselves could not be posted, and the authors
names could not be revealed. Also, Steorn would have right to review the
article before it was published, which is a common courtesy we offer to many
of the inventors and companies we compose feature articles about. Very
quickly, we took him up on the offer!

Shortly after reviewing the four papers, their significance became obvious.
They are all written by third parties outside of Steorn, who indicate that
Steorn's claims are valid. To be specific, three of the papers address
permanent magnet configurations, and the final paper covers a solid state
configuration tested in a calorimeter. It should be noted that Steorn has
previously tested the E-Orbo in a calorimeter of their own design, and
published the positive results on their website.

The remaining portion of this article will be divided into four parts, each
part covering one of the four papers. In each part, we will share as much
information as we can from the specific paper -- while carefully avoiding
content that could be considered too proprietary.

*Paper #1 - Overunity Only Gets Better With Age*

This fairly short paper is the oldest of the four (written in 2006), but
verifies that early on, Steorn had third parties replicating, and hence
validating, their technology. The author is a highly credible engineer and
scientist who holds multiple advanced degrees. With degrees in physics and
engineering, R&D (research and development) experience, and expertise in
magnetism, he would seem like an ideal individual to test and validate
Steorn's claims about the Orbo technology.

The topic of the paper is a test of an early configuration that was
performed at Steorn's offices. The setup seems to be composed of a "main"
wheel with a magnet attached to it, and a secondary, smaller wheel that also
holds a magnet. One of the magnets would be set at an angle to the opposite
magnet, on the other wheel. During each test, either the main wheel or the
small wheel would rotate (the other being in a fixed or stationary
position), and the magnets attached to each wheel would interact with each
other. The torque of the wheel in motion would be measured with a torque
meter, and the data would be analyzed. From this analysis, any anomalous
torque in the system would be apparent.

To prepare for the test, the torque meter for each wheel was properly
calibrated, and the friction and the electronic offset of each torque meter
were determined. This information was used to correct the raw data that
would come from each torque meter.

Multiple tests were performed in which one wheel (either the main wheel or
small wheel) was fixed and the other was allowed to rotate. Also, the angle
of the magnets were changed and then tested. After the data was corrected
and analyzed, the conclusion was a gain of energy of .99 mill-joules or 6.2%
of the total energy could be obtained in the experiment.

The author of the report states,

"The background friction cannot explain such a large unbalance. The
calibration of the torque meter also rules out any experimental error
associated with the readings. It is not clear what the source of this net
energy [is], and further investigation is required to find a physical
explanation for this phenomenon."

This document clearly indicates that even Steorn's earliest permanent
magnetic configurations could produce gains of energy (in this case torque
on a wheel), that could be detected by professionals with high quality,
testing equipment. The fact a scientist and engineer of the caliber that
wrote this paper would report such an anomalous gain of energy is a boost
for Steorn's credibility.

*Document #2 - Real Men Love Torque Curves*

(Editors Note: We have discovered this document is actually
Steorn's website. It is the only one of the four documents that appears to
be publicly available.)

This long and very detailed document, composed in 2008, was written by a
consulting engineer, John A.M. Rice, who went to Steorn's offices to perform
a test of a permanent magnet configuration. In the document, the engineer
specifically states his role, which was three fold.

- From an engineering and technical perspective, to formally observe a
series of tests which aim to support the above-mentioned claim.

- To examine the test methods, equipment and procedures, with particular
respect to their suitability, accuracy, and performance.

- To observe, verify, and report on specific tests carried out in support of
the claim in the undersigned's presence.

In the paper, the engineer specifically details the setup, all the
components used, the testing equipment used, and the experiment to be
performed. He goes on to describe how the equipment was calibrated, and all
possible variables (such as bend in the rotor shaft, friction in the system,
ovality of the wheel, the linearity of the data from torque meters, and
possible interference from the Earth's magnetic field) were measured and
accounted for. All of this setup and preliminary work was vital to ensure
the raw data could be appropriately corrected as necessary, so the results
of the testing would be valid. The results of the testing in the form of
many torque curves (graphs of the torque on the rotor over a 360 degree
rotation) are included in the document.

The basic setup was a rotor (connected to a torque meter), with a stator.
The rotor could be "stepped" (moved a tiny fraction of a degree at a time)
repeatedly for "static" testing, or allowed to rotate continually for 360
degrees or more, never stopping during the range of degrees tested, for
"dynamic" testing. Both the rotor and stationary stator could be fitted with
magnets (neodymium in this case) and/or rods of soft ferrite. Multiple tests
were performed (both static and dynamic) of various magnetic configurations.
As an example, in one test the rotor held a rod of soft ferrite, with a
neodymium magnet backing it in a configuration that "biased" the ferrite (as
explained in a paper previously available on Steorn's public website). The
permanent magnet and biased ferrite interacted with a permanent magnet
attached to the stator.

Over a 360 degree rotation there was a gain of energy, which the author
reported with the following statement...

"In the test context distance involves a 360 degree rotation of the rig
rotor. By integrating, i.e. summation, of the torque profile through a full
revolution of the rotor, the associated energy can be calculated. This
facility was setup in the test IE equipment.

"A zero energy gain applied to (b) i.e. ferrite removed, but neo
magnet only in rotor. Conversely, a net energy GAIN (through a 360 degree
rotation) is evident for (b) i.e. ferrite included in rotor. This
latter result is the key outcome of the tests."

This report also offered a very upbeat discussion of the test results.


Recapping on this short program of tests, the fundamental questions were:

(i) Is the test equipment appropriate and suitable for the purpose -- *YES*.

(ii) Is the particular test rig, and its component parts, controls and IT
systems utilized in a manner which delivers accurate, consistent and
repeatable test results -- *YES*.

(iii) Are the applied methods and procedures, as observed during the tests,
objective and pertinent -- *YES*.

(iv) Do the test results provide clear and explicit support of the claim? -

So in short, when it comes to Steorn's permanent magnet based Orbo
technology, this author's answer was, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

It sounds like a pretty good endorsement to me!

*Document #3 - I'll Do It Better The Second Time Around*

The author of this third paper -- from 2009 -- starts off by stating that he
thinks Steorn may have "really stumbled across an experimental magnetic
anomaly", because Steorn's test data (he references various test data
provided by Steorn) seems to confirm a theoretical anomaly he has
discovered, through his own calculations.

In the paper he elaborates on his theoretical anomaly that would be produced
by a specific arrangement of a neodymium magnet on a rotor (or a soft
ferrite biased by a neodymium magnet) interacting with a stator magnet, at a
certain angle to the rotor. He states that the gain of energy in the setup
would be, according to Steorn, due to specific conditions of "asymmetry and
nonlinearity." However, he adds that according to his theoretical anomaly,
it is due to a change in anisotropic asymmetry that can apparently produce a
gain of energy.&^&

He makes it clear in the paper that his analysis of Steorn's data and his
calculations do not prove that the theory of conservation of energy is being
violated. However, he also states there is the chance that additional
research may explain why it is not possible to produce energy from the
magnetic effects, or it could indicate "unknown physics might reveal the

A few additional bits of information he offers are as follows.

- The variables in the system (airgap, amount of biasing, and stator angle)
must all be optimized to produce an obviously detectable gain of energy. For
example, a change in the strength of the biasing of the soft ferrite or the
angle of the neodymium stator magnet requires the other parameter to be
altered. This is why it can be so difficult to detect the effect.

"There exists an optimized bias value for a fixed stator angle and also an
optimized angle for a fixed bias value for which the effect has maxima. This
together with the general smallness explains why it is so difficult to
demonstrate the experimental anomaly!"

- The test data the author was given was not obtained in such a way to
maximize the gain of energy, but to show the "importance of conditions."

- The author details in a chart how both asymmetry and nonlinearity must be
present for the Steorn effect to appear. For example, in a setup with an
unbiased rotor magnet and a symmetric magnetic field produced by the stator
magnet, there is no gain of energy. With a biased rotor magnet and an
asymmetric magnetic field produced by the stator magnet, there is a gain of

This report was not an absolute confirmation of the Steorn technology (the
author makes this clear), but shows that highly credible scientists and
engineers can see how the Orbo technology may work to produce gains of

*Document #4 - "It's getting hot in here, turn off that Orbo!"*

The fourth report that we were allowed to examine is unique from the others
in that it is about a solid state version of Steorn's technology. It is also
the most recent of the documents, being written in March, 2011.

A solid state Orbo offers the potential of having no moving parts, having no
need for bearings (as in permanent manget (PM) or E-Orbo configurations),
being simpler to build, and potentially being simpler to test. Other
advantages of solid state Orbo include fewer parts to wear out, and perhaps
more potential to evolve quickly -- in a similar manner to the way computers
evolved during the past twenty years.

In this paper the author describes a very simple configuration that involves
a coil wrapped around a nickel core (that is both magnetic and conductive)
acting as an inductor. The coil and core is placed in a calorimeter composed
of a vacuum chamber. Two thermocouples measure the temperature of the coil
itself, and the temperature of the air in the room. A metered power supply
provides the input power to the coil, and an oscilloscope monitors the
current, voltage, and can also calculate total input power by using a math
function of the scope.

The purpose of the test is to determine if the coil fed with a quantity of
AC power, can produce more heat than the same coil fed with the same
quantity of DC power. In the paper, the formula needed to calculate the
total AC power is presented. The AC input and DC input is configured to be
as identical as possible. Actually, the power input during the AC run was .9
(point nine) watts, and in the DC run it was 1 (one) watt. The fact that the
input power during the AC run was slightly less than in the DC run actually
biases the test against the AC run. This makes the results of the test even
more significant.

In the first test, 1 watt of DC power is fed into the coil wound around the
nickel core. The temperature of the coil increases until it reaches an
equilibrium point of 36.1 degrees. This is the point at which the power lost
by the coil via heat dissipation matches the electrical input power. Even if
the input power stayed on for hours longer, the temperature of the coil
would not increase above this temperature.

In the second test, .9 watts is fed into the same coil wound around the same
exact nickel core. Obviously, this test took place a period of time after
the first one, after the temperature of the coil has dropped back to its
original value. The result of AC being fed into the coil is that it rises to
an equilibrium temperature of 41.1 degrees. This means that in the AC test,
the temperature of the coil reached a temperature five degrees higher than
in the DC test.

The higher equilibrium temperature obtained when the coil was powered with
AC, indicates an anomalous gain of energy. The gain of energy is
unexplainable, because the input power in both tests were almost identical
-- actually slightly less when AC was utilized. As the paper continues, the
author indicates that resistive heating cannot be the case for the increased
temperature in the AC test run.

Here is the conclusion found at the end of the paper.

"The extra heating effect under the application of an AC signal is not
explained simply by the transfer of input power to the coil. Consideration
of the energy input to the system does not account for the energy output --
as evidenced by the steady state temperature; there is an extra effect which
needs to be isolated and identified.

"This investigation has not been able to suggest a reason for the energy
output from the AC case. While it has been demonstrated and verified, and
the DC case shows resistive heating as expected, there is no such simple
explanation for the behavior of the coil under AC heating."

The conclusion must be that this is an energy output which is higher than
would be expected from the power input, and caused by the response of the
coil to the alternating signal."

It seems likely that this "extra effect" is part of Steorn's magnetic
overunity effect that allows for the production of free energy. After many
months of hearing little about Steorn's progress developing the Orbo
technology, it is refreshing to read a report that demonstrates a clear,
simple, and obvious gain of energy -- in this case, in the form of heat.

*A Breakthrough for the Free Energy Community*

Although the amount of free energy produced in the fourth paper mentioned
above is not huge, it seems to be well documented by a professional. The
point of the experiment was not to produce large amounts of energy, but to
document and prove an overunity magnetic effect. The test seems to have
satisfied that goal. Scaled up and fully developed, this configuration might
be capable of producing much greater amounts of excess energy.

One interesting thing to note is the experiment seems so simple it makes me
think it could be fairly easily replicated. Of course Steorn may not be
ready to share the additional information that would be useful for a
replication, but if Steorn decided to even partially open source this
technology (for individuals outside of Steorn to replicate) PESN would be
eager to assist such an effort.

The first three papers documenting gains of energy from permanent magnet
systems are also impressive. They clearly show that multiple third parties
have tested the Orbo technology, and have demonstrated that it works as

In my opinion, these documents add even more evidence -- in addition to the
successful demonstrations of the E-Orbo at the Waterways Center -- to the
case that Steorn has developed multiple breakthrough technologies.

When the world catches up to what Steorn has accomplished, a rapid
scientific and technological revolution may take place. The fact that free
energy can be harnessed from magnetism (in a variety of configurations) will
shake the scientific establishment to the core. This small company which has
been attacked by skeptics and belittled by naysayers may just end up being
able to tell the world...

"I told you so!"

The next step for Steorn may be when a client licenses one of their
technologies and produces a working product.

PESN would like to thank Sean McCarthy for providing us with the four
documents to review, and allow us to report on them.

# # #

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Ron Wormus <prot...@frii.com> wrote:

> Peter,
> As far as I can see Naudin has never tried an experiment that did not work
> for him.
> His MAHG power measurements are in error (which has been pointed out to
> him).
> His write ups are beautifully presented but in my opinion generally
> unreliable.
> Ron
> --On Sunday, September 18, 2011 10:01 AM +0200 Peter Heckert <
> peter.heck...@arcor.de> wrote:
> http://jnaudin.free.fr/steorn/**indexen.htm<http://jnaudin.free.fr/steorn/indexen.htm>
>> I think, this is easy to debunk.
>> They say, they have a toroidal magnet. An ideal toroidal magnet has no
>> external field and so
>> there can be no back electromagnetic force.
>> Now this is untrue. In this magical moment, where the permanent magnet
>> passes by at the toroidal
>> magnet, the ferrite core is momentary driven into saturation.
>> Because -obviously- the total magnetic field is not toroidal -in this
>> magic moment-, the
>> saturation will not be toroidal.
>> The saturation will be strong where the magnetic field is strong.
>> Obviously the magnetic field is
>> strongest near to the permanent magnet.
>> So, -in this magic moment- the ferrite core is saturated near to the
>> permanent magnet and is less
>> saturated at the opposite side of the toroidal core.
>> Therefore -in this magic moment- we have a situation where the toroid
>> looks like a toroid, but it
>> doesnt work like a toroid.
>> In this magic moment the toroid will act like an electro-horseshoe magnet.
>> and we get a back-emf
>> for a short moment.
>> I think this is easy to understand and to debunk.
>> Im disappointed that Naudin apparently tries to support this rubbish
>> instead debunking it and
>> this makes me very critical about his other experiments.
>> Can he be trusted? He supports and tries all kinds of obvious crap
>> experiments.
>> Possibly he does it for money, creating faked overunity orgasms for his
>> undisclosed customers.
>> Of course, I cannot accuse him that. Maybe he does it just for fun ;-)
>> Best,
>> Peter

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