OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I sure appreciate Mr. Krivit being a bit more forthcoming in his own
> thought processes on the controversial Rossi Saga. . . .

This is carelessness. The information Krivit demanded from Lewan was right
there, in plain sight, in Lewan's report.

I think this was another incident similar to the time when he kept making a
mistake with scientific notation, and it never occurred to him that 10E5 is
the same as 1E6 (or whatever it was).

> I would agree with Krivit in the sense that Rossi has obfuscated the
> details, particularly crucial evidence that would help prove his
> extraordinary claims. Well, shoot! Practically everyone has been
> saying that... especially Mr. Rothwell.

Rossi has obfuscated, but in this case he did not. In this case it was
perfectly obvious that he did measure output and that output balance the
input before heat after death began. Krivit repeatedly demanded something
which he was already given, as Lewan told him:

"You have it all in my pdf report. Energy (kJ) is obtained by multiplying
power and time (actually integrating power over time, or rather dt)."

Perhaps after the second or third time Krivit asked, Lewan should have said
even more explicitly:

"The power and time data from before heat after death was recorded and it is
right there in my report!"

Frankly I cannot imagine how Krivit overlooked this. When he wrote his
previous article making the same assertion, Several people including me told
told him he was mistaken. I wrote to him: "Nearly the entire 33.88 MJ that
went in during this period came right out again. There was a balance.
Actually it was slightly exothermic." Krivit allowed my comment. Perhaps he
did not read these messages, or perhaps he did not understand them or
believe them.

- Jed

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