>From Robert Leguillon

> Mr. Rothwell never attacked me personally. He merely labeled
> all remaining skeptics as ignorant/blind/foolish/etc. I think
> that there is still room to question the results, and I'm
> certainly not the only one. I think that the ad hominems can
> stifle open communication, and I thought that they did not
> have place here. Now, in questioning the thermocouples, I'm
> apparently violating the laws of physics and without a 7th grade
> education. A public forum should be a safe environment from
> ad hominems, but maybe I misunderstood. I may not have a
> "degree in Japanese", but I was studying quantum mechanics at
> Fermilab while still in high school.  Nevertheless, I'll take
> a back seat, or "get out of the kitchen" if this is how you
> guys cook.

I'm relieved that you don't perceive Mr. Rothwell's "attack" as having
been a personal one that had been directed at you personally. I would
like to hope that there is no room for ad hominem attacks within the
Vort Collective.

Attacking an individual's opinion is, however, another matter all
together. One must either defend their chosen assessments, or else be
willing to revise them - assuming additional information comes
available that could result in warranting a revision. Presumably,
that's what the suggestion of heating an insulated eight gallon pot of
water and measuring how quickly the heated water returns to ambient
temperature was supposed to address.

It would seem that after having questioning the validity of the
measurements of certain thermocouples that had been attached (in
questionable ways) to Rossi's eCat you are complaining about the fact
that your assessments & speculations have been accused of violating
the laws of physics. It has also been suggested that a HS student, one
with a 7th grade education would understand these well-known laws of
thermodynamics, for which it has been alleged you appear to be
ignoring. If you chose to respond to this assessment of your
assessments by complaining about how you don't like how certain Vort
members are "cooking" your assessments, and that you will now remove
yourself from the kitchen because you don't think your assessments
deserve to be cooked in such a manner, I think it only makes you look
more like a self-inflicted martyr to your own assessments.

My two cents.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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