Peter Heckert wrote:

This is how he appears to you, and this is why he doesnt invite you.

He wants to look like a crook? This is complicated reverse psychology. It could easily backfire I suppose, and have the opposite effect. I suppose he also wanted the authorities to send him to jail years ago. It was part of his long-range scheme to make himself look like a criminal, so that he could then use reverse psychology to make himself not look like a criminal.

I don't buy that.

He doesnt invite people that love to discuss and ask difficult questions.

He does invite such people. They discuss things to a fair-thee-well. They ask difficult questions. He seldom answers those questions. However he does not have to. His machine answers your questions, if you understand first principle physics.

Of course, with you or me this wouldnt work. Therefore he doesnt invite you or Brian Josephson.

Actually, he did but Josephson could not attend.

Therefore he presents a leaking ecat to NASA researchers and sents them home.

After it spectacularly failed to work and everyone got angry. You are saying this is reverse psychology. He calls people in, does demonstrations that fail, and he does this in order to convince people that the technology actually works. Right? Kind of the way he has himself sent to jail to prove he is an honest man.

There has to be an easier way to establish credibility.

- Jed

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