Am 04.11.2011 19:19, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Peter Heckert < <>> wrote:

    Am 04.11.2011 06:59, schrieb Peter Gluck:
    Very well written paper. Bravissimo, Haiko!
    If you understand german read my comment:

Or, ask Mr. Google! See below. You have a remarkable imagination. If you believe half of what you wrote here you are a true believer indeed.

Yes indeed. But I firmly believe, Rossi has even more imagination and phantasy and creativity . ;-)

Thanks for the translation. It is a little bit strange, but mostly understandable, if you know what the subject is. I had some typos in the original german text and google did not translate these.

- Jed

      Simple explanation (Edited by the author on 04:11:11 18:03)

/Peter Heckert, Peter Heckert/ (1 post since 16:01:08)

The previous demos are easily explainable.
He has a wireless switch for the heater. Whenever
no one looks at the power meter, he will turn the tide. This was
not recorded.
For hardship cases, it has a vacuum pump to the steam hose in
the wall disappears. There he can suck the water and, if the
reactor has an outlet to create a little bubble, so that one
believes that all cooks. He has the visitors never inside the
shown evaporator which was always sealed tightly.
He could clean pump via a cable and compressed air.
A phase change thermal buffer instead of the
lead shielding can buffer the abrupt temperature changes.
When he these procedures in some cases combined and more tricks
has, then
it can also lead gullible physics professors on the ice.
He also invites so only one hand-picked people who are easily
deceived. The critic Eckström he has, although in his
forum was promised, probably not invited.
Also, Brian Josephson, he has not invited, although officially he
has said. In the blog of one of his close associates, Passi,
is then read, Brian Josephson had not come around because he
fears his scientific reputation. Ridiculous, if you
know which ideas and theories he represents. He is a unique
Beführworter LENR. Perhaps the editors can search times,
which people were invited.
he has invited a reporter Peter Svensson, AP News, which
is not at all concerned with such things on iPhones and vorewiegend
writing and computer technology. He even gave him a right of priority
granted. Mr. Svensson has it but probably have preferred not
to publish report, and now, of course, hawked, the
truth would be censored.
Rossi Had there can find nobody else, such as National
Geographic or Scientific American? His claims Rossi could so easily proved, in his skills. Because he does not have to do is accept that his skills used to deceive. suspicions aroused, that the E-Cat just then had a leak and not to repair was when NASA scientists were present. These were then egebnislos move away again. As Rossi has probably a problem for such emergency cases built ;-). 1MW demonstration when the course was not so easy. Because the customer but was anonymous, it is doubtful that there ever was a real customer. Interestingly, however, is that nobody on the development of heat was interested in the 4-way ventilated cooler, which produced 470 kW has dissipated. That is about 4 cubic meter of air, the hot 100 ° is, per second. It could be used to heat a cathedral, and this energy was focused on a Grundfäche of about 25 m ^ 2! But none of the observers in the videos has a high remarks made ​​heat. Are these people for all deaf and blind, drugged and hypnotized , or 150% of ignorant people, including the present physicist Levi? Peter

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