Am 07.11.2011 23:19, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Granted, you might want to install it at an actual site to observe performance under real-world conditions. You would use extensive instrumentation. The real purpose would be to find out how to mass-produce similar machines.

If the self destruction mechanism is inside, they cannot do this.
It could have been a licensee who does not want to use the plant, but has licensed the technology.

There are no industrial proprietary secrets in the steam/water system. Possibly they want to build their own and bought the plant together with a licence.
So they have possibly bought a system for studies and a license.

It has no value to reverse engineer rossis steam system.
Build it new from scratch, any experienced manufacturer of steam boilers could do this better.

The overall construction of the 1 MW plant is misproportioned, even if the ecat itself might work.


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