Completely concur. These are the kind of test environs that I'd expect to see. 
Also, their technical posts were always at least logical (e.g., experimenting 
with different coolants for a single-phase primary loop). They always came 
across as more "ready for primetime" than Rossi.
I'm eagerly awaiting more information.

OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

>From: Jed
>> This document is unprofessional. The photographs should have captions,
>> like the ones in the Scientific American or a trade magazine. A
>> caption should tell the reader what this is, and what the significance
>> of it is. Like so:
>> An XXXX reactor (nn cm x nn cm x nn cm). On the left is a canister of
>> blah, on the right is blah, blah. This reactor has been run n times,
>> producing maximum power of n kW, and nn MJ of energy. Photo credit:
>> so-and-so (or Defkalion Corp.)
>The PDF document struck me primarily as a tantalizing preview of things that
>will soon be coming out of the R&D labs of DGT. (At least that is the
>implication.) I agree with Jed in the sense that it certainly would have
>been more to our liking to have had better detailed captions underneath each
>photo. However, I would speculate that to have given a more detailed
>description might have compromised DGT's current objective - which appears
>to be to remain silent about all the fascinating fiiddl'de'bits untill they
>are ready to actually present their Dog and Pony show to the world. It would
>appear that DGT plans to get such a highly anticipated show on the road in a
>couple of weeks. Soon.
>I think DGT is simply trying to let everyone know that Rossi isn't the only
>kid on the block who is working on this exotic technology. I bet someone on
>the BoD may have said something to the effect of: "Hey! We gotta do
>something now! Rossi is in danger of stealing our thunder! least let
>everyone know that we're about to roll out a few prototypes/products of our
>What I personally took from the photos was the -IMPRESSION- that DGT appears
>to have better equipment at their disposal than what Rossi seems to have. I
>don't know if my impression is correct or not however. If that was the
>implication or objective, it implies that DGT by default must be creating
>better and/or more reliable products. The document was essentially saying:
>In two weeks we'll show you something you can really sink your teeth into...
>just wait!
>We shall see.
>Steven Vincent Johnson

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