James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

Can't you just ban this noise-box, Jed?

I can't ban anyone. This forum belongs to Bill Beaty. The beauty of e-mail
systems is that you can selectively ban individual people. If Mary Yugo
grates on you too much, just add her to your kill file.

Anything I think Yugo's latest comments are fine. I don't see "ridicule,
derision, scoffing, ad-hominem" or "Pathological Skepticism." She is right
that Rossi has not allowed properly done tests. I have pointed that out
dozens of times myself, and I told him that. He does not want to. He never
did want to. I do not know why. It sure makes him look suspicious.

Many things about Rossi make no sense. He is not a predictable person, and
not easy to understand. His motivations are obscure. He is complicated. His
business practices seem risky and ineffective to me. He does many things
that make him look bad, as I have often pointed out.

The thing is, the world is full of dysfunctional people who make themselves
look bad. Some of them make valuable contributions to society. You have to
look beyond their quirks. It isn't easy. You have to make an effort to see
things from their point of view, and to respect them. I don't mean you have
make exceptions for geniuses. I mean ordinary people too, who
are irascible, such as a plumber I just dealt with. I need his services and
he needs a job. I hope that his attitude problem does not prevent us from
making a deal.

- Jed

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