On 11/17/2011 8:51 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
This is the English version:


2011/11/17 Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com <mailto:danieldi...@gmail.com>>

His representative in Switzerland is very, to put mildly, suspicious:

Indeed - this company is in the business of selling gigantic Steorn style magnetic motor/generators! But these ones don't generate a mere milliJoule of energy per revolution, but hundreds of Joules - 300 Joules per revolution from their EBM-720 (from 15kw excess and assuming 50Hz).

I notice that they do not to state how much of the total output power appears as waste heat and how much appears as useful electrical power. I guess the fact that nowhere can you find any mention of a self-runner (despite being 14% overunity), it must be the case that the electrical/mechanical/electrical COP is well under unity and only measures overunity when they include the heat losses.

It would not seem a wise choice by Rossi to be affiliated with what is basically a /*perpetual motion machine*/ manufacturer - that doesn't actually have a self-runner to display and does not appear to have sold any units to any customers yet!

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