From: Terry Blanton


"Apparently, energy localization at the nano-scale circumvents the 2nd Law
of Thermodynamics."




Not really "blasphemy" - closer to "semantics-in-action". If Ahern is
correct, and many on Vortex will appreciate that he builds on Dirac
(Hotson's version) for the "ultimate" source of energy, then we could simply
be caught in the process of redefining precisely "what is external" to any
gainful system.


Imagine yourself in Paris around the turn of the century. You would have
been at a similar "loss for words." But the establishment found a way to
save face, as always.


Wait a minute . not the "last turn of the century" but the one before that -
where in 1896 Becquerel discovered that uranium emitted extremely powerful
rays. There was no name for this apparent violation of CoE . at least not
till Madame C. provided one along with the proof that certain "Laws" needed
to be reworded - and a whole new field opened up.


Isn't that all that is going on here ? - we are seeing the first efforts to
provide a new name (and formalism) to the extraction of energy from the
Dirac sea (Hotson's BEC, or epo field). This process is apparently very
specific to geometry below 12 nm. A branch of science is opening - but it is
not "nuclear" primarily, although it may have nuclear effects.


Unlike the earlier situation - where Henri demonstrated that the new kind of
radiation did not depend on an "external source" of energy (but came
spontaneously from within the metal) the source of energy in
Nanomagnetism/Energy Localization is more problematic to verbalize; but can
be described as external (at least insofar as a 4th spatial dimension is
external). Unless, of course, extra dimensions are 'enfolded' . and then
they can also be described as internal as well. 


Lord Kelvin had already decreed, 50 years prior to Henri/Marie, in an early
version of what became the second law, that what Curie described was
completely impossible. Yet then as now, experiment rules. Kelvin was just as
wrong then as are the pseudo-skeptics of today, a few of whom seem to have
taken over this forum's bandwidth recently. 


Don't get me wrong - skepticism is not a bad thing - and Rossi has not
proved anything. He will never be in line for the big prize (and is more
likely to end up back in the Carcere than in Stockholm) . but in the spirit
of verisimilitude he probably has adequately demonstrated a high level of
"anomalous thermal gain" as have dozens of others - and this field (which is
not LENR precisely) is well on its way into forming an new semantic branch.
In the end, CoE will stay alive (as a surrogate religion) . at least in the
minds of adherents. 


"Tunnel vision" is a curious phenomenon that can be said to operate in a
similar way as 'energy localization' but surprisingly to describe its own
logical failures in the quest for verisimilitude. 




> This theory, or a version of it, could be behind more than Rossi and LENR,
> in general ...


> Note sure what the Citi5 group is ... other than opportunists

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